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Benedicamus Domino (2016)
A spectacular major Christmas work for Orchestra, based on the well-known carols 'Unto us is born a son' and 'Infant Holy'. Also available is a version for Choir and Orchestra entitled 'Unto Us'. Set in three through-composed movements, the outer two sections are full of joy and vibrance, with a magical, ethereal middle movement featuring Infant Holy. The work comes to a close with a grandioso finish and rendition of Unto us is born a son in full glory.
Available for Brass Band, Orchestra & Wind Band
Publisher: AJW Music & Media, Inc.
Purchase Here (PDFs) (Orchestral version only)
Purchase Here (Sheet Music) (Orchestral version only)
Purchase Here (Sheet Music) (Choir & Orchestra version) - entitled 'Unto Us'

Benedicamus Domino (2016)
00:00 / 07:07
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